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PhotoRobot CUBE "snowflake" detail - used for hanging or supporting photographed items
Desktop Software

PhotoRobot Controls App

PhotoRobot Controls App provides advanced features for capturing, post-processing, and publishing 2D + 3D + 360° object photography. The software is a standalone application for connection to PhotoRobot Cloud 2.0. It is primarily for Production Users who take photos and do subsequent post-processing. Software integration of robots, cameras, lights, and post production supports every stage of the production workflow. This includes the automated publishing of images to eCommerce platforms, or to internal company systems.

Download in user account

Note: Download of PhotoRobot Controls, Locator, and other related apps are accessible in all paid PhotoRobot Accounts associated with the installation of physical hardware.

Mobile Software

PhotoRobot Locator App

PhotoRobot Locator is a mobile application for the easy location and identification of control units on a local network. It displays information about important connection parameters, firmware versions, and additional details for troubleshooting and support.

Mobile Software

PhotoRobot Touch

PhotoRobot Touch is a mobile application to support the capture of handheld stills, detailed shots, and 360 spins by iPhone. The app provides advanced features for workflow automation, with modes for unrestricted or template-based photography, and its automated post production.