Automate product photography, from image capture to editing, publishing & digital asset management with user-friendly, easily integrated photo studio software.

PhotoRobot Controls - software package for automated imagery production

Digital Asset Management

Organize, share & easily manage all your product imagery.

Software-driven digital asset management provides reliable, searchable storage for all your product imagery and information.

See Features

Studio Workflow

Track all items from receiving to the photoshoot, content distribution, and product-out.

Studio workflow control allows you to manage your entire studio from a single location. Get project overviews, item status reports, client approval, barcode reader support and much more.

See Features

Capture and Control

Control all photography equipment from a single interface.

Command cameras, photography robots, devices & lights from a single user interface. Deploy LiveView, sequence configuration, and reusable Presets for complete photoshoot automation.

See Features

Advanced Editing Tools

Automate editing of entire image galleries, 360 spin & 3D product photography.

Edit images automatically and immediately after capture with a wide range of post-processing tools. Eliminate manual steps, save settings as Presets, and let the software automate your photo editing.

See Features

PhotoRobot Viewer

Complete Image Hosting & Delivery

Easily distribute product imagery online, including: complete galleries, packshots, 360 spins, hotspots, panoramas & more with PhotoRobot’s Product Viewer.

See Features

Feature List