One-Click Automation

Fewer Clicks, More Outputs

Watch With Packaging

Production time
0 min 40 sec
Small objects

36 web-ready packshots and the 360 spin of this watch in its packaging required only 40 seconds to produce with PhotoRobot.

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Version used
Number of images
1 × 36
Shooting time
0 min 36 sec
Production time
0 min 40 sec
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All published online in

0 min 40 sec

Thanks to convenient presets, PhotoRobot automates which angles to photograph, lighting setups, background removal, cropping, color enhancement, and more. This makes it both easier and less time-consuming to produce product photos consistent with any brand style guide. Outputs are always in high resolution, with deep zoom functionality, and viewable on all product pages and consumer devices.

Watch With Packaging
Watch With Packaging
Watch With Packaging

Ready to Level Up Your Business’ Product Photography?

Request a custom demo to see how PhotoRobot can accelerate, simplify, and enhance your business’ product photography today. Just share your project, and we’ll build your unique solution to test, configure, and judge by the production speeds.