Pro Tips: Advanced Photo Editing Tools and Techniques

Utilize advanced photo editing tools and techniques in PhotoRobot’s control and automation software for product photography.

Cutting-Edge Photo Editing Tools for Product Photography

PhotoRobot editing software delivers both standard and advanced photo editing tools with unique features for 360, 3D, and eCommerce photography. Edit product images immediately after capture, automatically and to preference. 

Our photo editing software does the work, eliminating manual operations from workflows. Save image capture and editing settings as presets to apply across batches of similar products or entire file folders. Simply click “Apply All” to edit hundreds of images per second.

Automate everything from basic editing like image cropping & object centering, to advanced tools for background removal, image overlay, and more. Whatever your product photography calls for, our image editing software does the heavy-lifting

Read on to learn how in this tutorial. Today, we look closer at our editing software, and share our photo editing tools and features for streamlining product photography. 

Features Available Anytime, Anywhere

Work Anywhere on Almost Any Device with Cloud Processing

Graphic of cloud processing.

Let’s start first with our software’s cloud processing. Our photo editing software utilizes Nvidia Tesla K80 GPUs. These provide all the processing power we need and more.

Moreover, this processing power has no limitations on image resolution. Although we do recommend a maximum of 26 / 30 MP in the Cloud, up to 50MP (8688 x 5792 pixel) cameras such as the Canon 5 EOS 5DS R can be supported with local processing.

This means all you have to do is simply click “Apply All”. The software then applies edits and delivers the final results for review. 

Work from anywhere and on nearly any device, whether a personal PC at home or on-the-go. Thanks to the power of cloud processing, you no longer need a top-of-the-line workstation to complete your work. 

Work with All Images in a Given Folder

User interface overview of all images.

Among our software’s unique functions is the ability to deploy editing tools across all images simultaneously. To achieve this, we use the latest web standards to access your GPU directly. 

Apply edits, and then start or pause a product animation to review all desired effects and edits in real-time.

Not 100% satisfied with the results? Simply retouch one of the images and apply your editing across the entire folder again. Press play, review, and repeat until your multi-row still images or 360s meet expectations.

High-level Automation at your Fingertips

Automatic Configurations - Presets

User interface configure pre-set settings.

Save all of your go-to editing parameters as presets in our automation software. Presets apply automatically and immediately after the robot completes the capture sequence.

Useful for 360 product photography across a range of items, define edits to apply to objects in similar categories. This way you automate outputs for various types of products - whether it’s clothing & apparel, footwear, or whatever products you’re marketing.

At just one click of the play button, we receive the production output according to our preset configurations and editing parameters. 

Auto Image Cropping of an Entire Folder

Photo of auto crop in software with glass bottle.

Our photo editing software also allows for automatic image cropping across entire folders. The AutoCrop tool uses intelligent detection to identify object positions and define where to crop product images.

All you do is press the AutoCrop button, and our software will crop entire product files accordingly and automatically. 

Aspect Ratio and Padding

Example of settings aspect ratio and padding.

Another automation feature in our editing toolbox includes configurable aspect ratio and padding. Specify the ratio of width to height, and how much padding to apply on all sides of product images.

Combine this with AutoCrop for considerable savings in time. Then, with presets, store your crop, aspect ratio & padding settings for editing similar image files in the future.

Tools Unique to Our Image Editing Software

Automatic Object Centering

One feature that really sets our suite of software apart from the competition is automatic object centering. This tool is completely unique to PhotoRobot.

It has two functions to ensure every photo in your spinset or gallery is in the perfect center. There is fully automatic product centering, or semi-automatic. With fully-automatic, the system identifies object edges, calculates the center of each image, and adjusts all images in a folder. 

If completely automatic centering encounters problems or obstacles, all it requires is a few simple steps to correct images. Here, use semi-automatic centering to manually select edges (or centerline), and the algorithms do the rest.

Centering is available for both the horizontal and vertical axis. Simply select 3 images from a series of photos, and our software applies centering to the complete set or gallery. 

Advanced Editing Tools and Techniques

Background Removal (By Level)

Photo editing background removal by level.

More advanced editing tools include our background removal operations. Currently, there are two operations to remove background - by level and by flood.

With background removal by level, we utilize an RGB (red, green, blue) color of each pixel to remove colors above a certain threshold. This is advantageous when shooting products with a white backdrop, and for making an off-white background disappear. 

Use the ‘highlight white’ tool to detect the white areas in images. Use this tool to detect the correct threshold for by-level background removal. This is important for exposure correction and to be sure the image background is consistent with the rest of your page. 

Removing Background (By Flood)

Photo editing background removal by flood.

Background removal by flood might provide better results if working with for example a transparent background or very white items. 

This operation detects edges of an object, and then applies flood points to fill in the available area. Particularly useful for removing backgrounds without affecting objects, you can manually set flood points in areas that weren’t removed.

Simply set the flood point, and our photo editing software fills in the blank spaces. 

Deploying the All Image Overlay Tool

Example of all image overlay tool.

Another useful tool for spin and 3D photography for the web is our feature for all image overlay. The software superimposes photos on top of one another to show all images in a set or gallery within a single frame. 

You get a view of the product photos in all of their iterations and in-frame, all together. This way, it’s easy to check object centering, and that items don’t touch the edge in any frames.

This review feature particularly helps for 360-degree product photography. Just access image overlay to review product photosets and ensure each image comes out professional, consistent, and to preference.

Advanced Brush and Eraser Techniques

Using brush and eraser.

Next, our brush and eraser feature is nothing new, but we do have some advanced features especially for spin photography. We often use the brush / eraser to remove dust or blemishes from product photos. In the case of a 360 spinset, this can provide a challenge as you’re working with at least 24 photos.

To this end, our photo editing software allows you to retouch an individual photo and apply the changes to all images. If this isn’t ideal, like when removing dust from a scene, it’s also easy to enter images individually for a quick, final retouching.

At any time, you can return to any image to brush it up without having to retouch every individual photo again. Set size and the edge effect for more precision, and then save work as presets for future editing. 

Keyboard Shortcuts for Menu Items

Image of keyboard shortcuts.

It’s also possible to use keyboard shortcuts to drastically reduce time spent editing photos. Access shortcuts to menu items such as image cropping, auto centering, background operations, image overlay and more. 

For PhotoRobot operators, this means all of your standard and advanced editing tools are just a few keystrokes away. No more time lost clicking through menus to find your tools. Process higher volume photoshoots effortlessly and in less time. 

Define Editing Scopes Across Entire Folders

User interface add settings scope.

For further time-saving, users can also define the scope at which editing operations will be applied. Set the scope across an entire folder, to specific swing angles, or for an individual image. This is particularly valuable when editing multi-row images, whether it’s stills or 360s.

With multi-row imagery, we have to set the lighting according to each row for photography. The same is true when editing. 

We capture specific swing angles (0°, 15°, 37°, etc), each of which we assign to different folders within an item. These folders then require different editing operations, which we define by setting the scope to apply to a target item (or items).

Image Masking and Adjustment

Image masking in editing software.

Masking enables us to adjust where specific operations will apply. We can mark places we don’t want certain editing operations to modify, such as where not to remove the background for example. Perhaps we want to limit where some operations occur, such as adjusting brightness on a specific part of an image. Here just adjust where and to which scope editing should apply.

In this way, we can experiment with each editing operation, and apply unique masks for each one. Set masks from background removal to clarity, levels, curves, and more. 

Automation at Your Command: PhotoRobot_Controls

All standard and advanced photo editing tools are available no matter the PhotoRobot subscription level. While speed and processing times vary, users have all our tools to maximize productivity when editing still, spin & 3D photography. 

Ready to discover more? Don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll answer all your questions regarding our photo editing software, its tools & features, and our robots for any product photography.