Hosting Platforms for 3D Product Photography

Hosting platforms for 3D product photography (also known as virtual product photography) are a vital asset to growing webshops, e-commerce vendors and B2B businesses. This is particularly true for businesses who possess a wide portfolio of products with customizable elements. In this case, the business needs hundreds or even thousands of product photos to effectively showcase their range of designs, colors, textures and more. Platforms for 3D product photography allow businesses to meet this demand in the most cost-effective and scalable way possible — without the need for a new photoshoot for every variation of the product.

What is a platform for 3D product photography?

360-degree spinning 3D motorcycle product visual.

With the rising demand in 3D product photography, virtual photography platforms are drawing a lot of attention for their ability to help brands generate high volumes and variety in product content. There are various product image viewers and 360° spin viewers, and then there are platforms for rendering 3D models into highly advanced product experiences. In this post we’ll focus more on the latter, using photogrammetry scanning techniques and hosting them online.

3D product content allows brands to better engage both online and in-store shoppers. In print, 3D product content comes to life in product brochures, leaflets, packaging, labels and more. The high quality and the sheer number of images that go into 3D photography creates a repository of visual assets for businesses to use and recycle on demand.

Managing a 3D photoshoot, however, can be a time-consuming and even costly venture, especially if you don’t already have a product photography setup. This is where platforms for 3D product photography come in, allowing businesses to utilize software to generate photorealistic 2D images from 3D product photos or product component models. 

Why use a 3D product photography platform?

3D photo editing software interface zoom out to product.

Platforms for 3D product photography allow brands to more effectively leverage their visual assets in a variety of ways. They allow for less complications in logistics, cost-effective visualization of products, unmatched image quality, and even for market testing and research.

Reduce costs and concerns in logistics

When all you need is an individual photoset of a product to create hundreds of different 3D visuals in various colors, designs and patterns, logistical concerns become much less demanding. This is due to the software that allows you to utilize existing content from previous photoshoots to recycle and reuse in many formats. These include 2D photorealistic images, 360 product photography, 3D configuration, and even augmented / virtual reality experiences. 

All of the content on these platforms is easily organized, accessible and deliverable, meaning brands can have a wealth of customizable assets on demand. With 3D product photography for e-commerce, it’s possible to generate tens of thousands of images all from one design file. If you’ve ever planned a product photoshoot, you know very well how much savings this amounts to in time, energy, and costs.

Everything including moving the product to the shoot location, setting up the photography equipment, hiring a photographer and conducting the shoot requires time, logistical planning and money. With 3D models, however, the only logistics is in attaining the initial product model, and this can even be completed remotely. The software then does the rest, allowing you to effectively produce more product content without the need for more in-person photoshoots.

Cost-effective visualization of the entire product portfolio

Product configurator white shoe changing lace colors.

For companies selling a wide stock of products with customizable features, 3D product photography platforms are extremely effective. No longer are the days when companies need individual photos of every single item in stock. Rather, product photography software enables you to photograph individual product components and stitch them onto a 3D model to create digital variations in product designs.

Take footwear for example. With a line of shoes in different colors, designs and textures, it can be a daunting task to photograph everything in stock. Instead, it’s possible to build models for each individual component. Then, the software converts this imagery into high-resolution product content to showcase your entire line of products. This means you can consistently provide customers with content for your entire stock, without any need for manufacturing or for shipping. 

Unmatched product image quality and realism

Animating construction and removeable parts of kitchen product.

Another advantage to 3D product photography platforms is their uncompromising visual quality and the overall realism of 3D imagery. 3D photography allows for truly immersive product experiences, putting shoppers in control of elements such as spin, deep fields of zoom and moving parts to replicate that feeling of having an item in-hand. 

In the past, this wasn’t as easily accomplished. It was much more challenging to convey a product’s true value to a shopper online and trigger confident purchases. With today’s 3D technology, however, product imagery can match and even be indistinguishable from traditional, high-end product photography. In the case with 3D models, you can also provide views of moving features and technical components to help consumers get a better feel for the product.

Economical market testing and product research

Augmented reality product viewer watch on user wrist.

The final benefit to using 3D product photography platforms is their convenience for market testing and especially for product research. By using CAD or photogrammetry scanning techniques to build 3D models, companies can now visualize, present and demonstrate products before beginning production. 

This can be particularly useful for B2B product  presentations, and likewise for testing products before putting them on the market. If consumers don’t show interest, then the business has at least saved time and costs in production. If the consumer does, however, the product can be further tailored to the consumer’s needs or be put into production based on how consumers interacted with the product and the perceived demand for it.

3D product photography solutions and platforms

Emersya 3D configurator user interface product page.

If looking for a reliable 3D product photography platform for your business, Emersya provides a platform for transforming 3D models into fully interactive product experiences and configurators for e-commerce and retail. With Emersya, you can visualize all product customizations online, as well as explore, animate and personalize in 3D and AR.

At PhotoRobot, the team is constantly looking for more impressive tools to compliment our solutions for the 360 product photography studio, and Emersya is a valuable asset. To learn more about PhotoRobot’s line of robots or 3D product photography and e-commerce solutions, contact us today for a free consultation with one of our specialist technicians.